Digital Radio and Audio Review
The Digital Radio & Audio Review
The Digital Radio and Audio Review was commissioned by the Government and undertaken with a broad cross-section of industry stakeholders, and looked at the challenges radio is likely to face in the coming years from changing listening habits and new technologies. The Review’s findings and recommendations were published on 21 October 2021, and feature a number of measures to ensure radio’s continued success and its benefits for audiences over the next ten years. The full report in available on GOV.UK here and the DCMS press release here.
Among the Review’s key recommendation are measures to ensure UK radio stations’ accessibility on connected audio devices such as smart speakers and car ‘infotainment’ systems.
The Review recognises that the nature of the UK’s audio landscape means there should be no mandated switch-off of analogue radio until at least 2030 – meaning that FM radio broadcasts can continue for at least another decade so the elderly, vulnerable and people in remote communities can access essential news and entertainment. The Review also underlines the importance of DAB going forward and makes recommendations to support the future development of DAB+.
The Government will consider the review’s recommendations as it prepares a Broadcasting White Paper and develops a new pro-competition regime for digital markets, and will publish a response in due course.
Read the Digital Radio and Audio Review Report here.
Research Reports – Digital Radio and Audio Review